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ICT in Business and the Public Sector

The MSc programme ICT in Business and the Public Sector is offered by the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) as a two-year research master on the management and application of ICT in an organizational context.

The curriculum depends on the student’s background. Students with a business background follow the Foundation courses on ICT (12 EC total). Students with an ICT background follow the foundation courses on Business (12 EC total). Students with a bachelor degree ‘Informatica & Economie’ from Leiden University are exempted from the courses in the foundation modules. These students follow additional electives instead for 12 EC. Students who choose for the specialisation ICT in Business need to take all courses from the Module specialisation ICT in Business (15 EC in total), whereas students who choose for the specialisation ICT in the Public Sector take all courses from the Module specialisation ICT in the Public Sector (15 EC in total). Students who choose both specialisations have to take all specialisation courses from both specialisations resulting in a total of 144 ECTS.

The master ICT in Business and the Public Sector consists of a full-time, two-year master’s programme (120 EC).


Year 1&2

  1. The required Main Module courses and the Foundation Module Business (12 ec) OR the Foundation Module ICT courses (12 ec).

  2. The required Specialisation courses ICT in Business (15 ec) OR ICT in the Public Sector (15 ec).

  3. Electives (9 ec).

Year 2

The Master’s Thesis Research Project (38 EC) (including Master Class, optional Internship, Written Master's Thesis and Master's Thesis Presentation)


  • September starters are advised to take the following mandatory courses in their third semester: Leading and Managing People, Machine Learning for Business Analytics, Applied Research Methodology and their electives.

  • February starters are advised to contact their study advisor in order to balance their studyload in the second, third and fourth semester. February starters are advised to write their thesis in their third semester. They are also advised to take Leading and Managing People, Machine Learning for Business Analytics and Cyber Security Management in their fourth semester.

  • As of 2019-2020, the Post Experience programme (for candidates with working experience) is no longer offered. Current PE students (starting September 2017 and earlier) will be enabled to finish their studies by contacting the study advisor of the program (

Main Module (120 ec)

All students take the courses in the main module. February starters are advised to take Cyber Security Management, Leading and Managing People and Machine Learning for Business Analytics in their fourth semester. They are also advised to do their internship/thesis writing in their third semester.

September starters are advised to take Leading and Managing People, Applied Research Methodology and Machine Learning for Business Analytics in their third semester.

As of September 1st, 2024, the following course has been renamed: Enterprise Architecture (was ICT Architectures). The previously completed course is considered to be equivalent.

Students that started before September 2023 and already succesfully passed Advances in Data Mining don't need to complete Cyber Security Management and Machine Learning for Business Analytics.

Students that started before September 2023 and already passed Machine Learning for Business Analytics and Cyber Security as a foundation course are advised to take Introduction to Machine Learning or Advances in Data Mining as mandatory courses.

As of September 2023 the following course has been renamed: Cyber Security Management (was Cyber Security). The previously completed course is considered equivalent.

As of September 1st, 2022, the following course has been renamed: Machine Learning for Business Analytics (was Business Intelligence).The previously completed course is considered to be equivalent.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Main module

Global Business Game - CIO Simulation 1
Machine Learning for Business Analytics 3
Applied Research Methodology 4
ICT Enabled Process Innovation 3
Leading and Managing People 5
Software Development and Product Management 6
Cyber Security Management 3
Model-Driven Systems Engineering 6
Enterprise Architecture 6
Research Methods 5
Capstone Cases 4
Workshop Cross Cultural Management 0

Module Foundation Business OR Module Foundation ICT (12 ects, see under different tabs)

Module specialisation ICT in Business OR ICT in the Public Sector (15 ects, see under different tabs)

Electives (9 ec, see under different tab)

Master Class 0
MSc Research Project 38

Foundation Module Business (12 ec)

Students with an ICT background follow the foundation courses on Business (12 EC total). Students with a bachelor degree ‘Informatica & Economie’ from Leiden University are exempted from the courses in the foundation modules. These students instead follow additional electives for 12 EC.

As of September 1st, 2024, the course Process Modelling has been removed from the module Foundation ICT and Accounting has been removed from the module Foundation Business, and in the core module, the 3 EC course Systems Development has been replaced by the 6 EC course Model-Driven Systems Engineering. Students that previously completed Process Modelling or Accounting but not Systems Development must now complete Model-Driven Systems Engineering and can reduce their elective space with 3EC.

As of September 1st, 2021, the following courses have been renamed: Strategy and Technology (was Strategy), Marketing Science (was Marketing) and Operations Management (was Technology Operations Management). Previously completed courses are considered equivalent to those renamed in September 2021.

Students that would like to make a combination of the two foundation modules due to their prior education have to contact the programme coordinator in advance.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Foundation Module Business

Operations Management 4
Strategy and Technology 5
Marketing Science 3

Foundation Module ICT (12 ec)

Students with a business background follow the foundation courses on ICT (12 EC total). Students with a bachelor degree ‘Informatica & Economie’ from Leiden University are exempted from the courses in the foundation modules. These students follow additional electives instead for 12 EC.

As of September 1st, 2024, the course Process Modelling has been removed from the module Foundation ICT and Accounting has been removed from the module Foundation Business, and in the core module, the 3 EC course Systems Development has been replaced by the 6 EC course Model-Driven Systems Engineering. Students that previously completed Process Modelling or Accounting but not Systems Development must now complete Model-Driven Systems Engineering and can reduce their elective space with 3EC.

Students that started before September 2023 and succesfully completed Cyber Security and Machine Learning for Business Analytics don't need to take Introduction to Machine Learning.

As of September 1st, 2022, the following course has been renamed: Machine Learning for Business Analytics (was Business Intelligence). Previously completed courses are considered equivalent to those renamed in September 2022.

Students that would like to make a combination of the two foundation modules due to their prior education have to contact the programme coordinator in advance.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Foundation Module ICT

Introduction to Machine Learning 6
Foundations of Software Testing 6

Specialisation ICT in Business (15 ec)

Students who choose for the specialisation ICT in Business need to take all courses from the Module specialisation ICT in Business (15 EC in total), whereas students who choose for the specialisation ICT in the Public Sector take all courses from the Module specialisation ICT in the Public Sector (15 EC in total). Students who choose both specialisations have to take all specialisation courses from both specialisations resulting in a total of 144 ECTS.

Students with a bachelor degree ‘Informatica & Economie’ from Leiden University are exempted from the course Strategic Financial Management and follow within this module 3 extra EC as elective courses instead of 9 EC.

As of September 1st, 2021, the following course has been renamed: Strategic Financial Management (was Financial Management). The previously completed course is considered equivalent to those renamed in September 2021.

Students who started before 1 September 2021 and have already successfully completed the previously mandatory courses Managing Innovation or Managing the Digital Business do not need to follow Managing Software Evolution or AI for Strategy.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Specialisation ICT in Business

Entrepreneurship 3
Strategic Financial Management 3
AI for Strategy 3
Systems Optimisation 3
Managing Software Evolution 3

Electives (9 ects, see different tab)

Specialisation ICT in the Public Sector (15ec)

Students who choose for the specialisation ICT in Business need to take all courses from the Module specialisation ICT in Business (15 EC in total), whereas students who choose for the specialisation ICT in the Public Sector take all courses from the Module specialisation ICT in the Public Sector (15 EC in total). Students who choose both specialisations have to take all specialisation courses from both specialisations resulting in a total of 144 ECTS.

From September 2022 Data-Driven Policy Making changed to 6 EC instead of 3 in the previous years, and, dually, Working for the Government as ICT Expert changed to 3 EC instead of 6. Students following Public Sector specialisation who successfully completed the 3 EC version of Data-Driven Policy Making before September 2022 will be able to follow the old 6 EC version of Working for the Government as ICT Expert after consulting the program coordinator.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Specialisation ICT in the Public Sector

Digital Government-Citizen Interaction 3
Data-driven Policy Making 6
Role of IT in Public Administration 6

Electives (9 ects, see different tab)


Elective courses on ICT, business and governmental topics allow students to individualise their programme and accommodate their specific interests.

Students that take the ICTiB specialisation are allowed to follow the public sector courses as electives and dually.

Eventual other electives need to be discussed with the study advisor and may need the approval of the Board of Examiners if the selection includes courses not in this programme.

As of September 1st, 2022, the following course has been renamed: Financing Technology Ventures (was Entrepreneurial Finance). The previously completed course is considered to be equivalent.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2


Management Science 3
Advances in Data Mining 6
Data Science in Practice 6
Regulatory Governance and Data Science 6
System and Software Security 6
Social Network Analysis for Computer Scientists 6
Information Retrieval 6
Reinforcement Learning 6
Digital Transformation 5
Financing Technology Ventures 3
Lean Six Sigma 3
Marketing Analytics 3

Career Orientation

During the Master program ICT in Business and the Public Sector (ICTiBPS) we want to provide you with the best possible preparation for the job market. In addition to knowledge, it is important that you develop skills, gain practical experience, orientate on positions & careers, and reflect on your own profile and development. In addition to substantive knowledge, it is also important to be aware of the so-called transferable skills that you develop outside and during your education. These are, for example, your cognitive skills such as critical thinking and communication. Altogether, this contributes to your development as a professional and offers good preparation for the labour market.

The career perspective for ICTiBPS is very promising. Most students find a job within 3 months after graduation. Students benefit from the department’s strong links to industry. There are well-developed in -company research thesis internships, often followed by excellent career opportunities. With a master’s degree in ICT in Business, job opportunities are excellent and diverse, ranging from consultancy to IT management and from entrepreneurship to PhD research.

Nevertheless, questions about this subject may arise during your studies, such as: How can you use the knowledge and skills you gain within and outside your study program in the labor market? Which direction do you choose within your study and why? What are you already able to do, and what skills do you still want to learn? How do you translate the courses you choose into something you would like to do later?

You may have already discussed this with the study advisor, mentor, tutor, the Science Career Service, fellow students or made use of the Leiden University Career Zone. All kinds of activities are organized where you get the chance to orientate yourself on the job market and gives opportunities to reflect on your own development, possibilities and (study) career profile as well. Central to this are the questions: "What are my capabilities?", "What do I want?" and "How do I achieve my goals?".

In the prospectus, learning objectives have been formulated for each subject, the purpose of which is to inform you which components are covered in the development of your (study) career profile and preparation for the labour market. Various activities are also organized that help you in making all kinds of career choices and to develop skills. An overview of activities is shown below.


First and/or second year

  • Company visits and presentations

  • Lunch & Learn lectures by companies

  • Introductory meeting with the study advisor

  • Mentorship and tutoring

  • Workshops and Career Colleges Science Career Service

  • De Leidsche Flesch meeting

Second year

  • Masterclass ICT in Business and the Public Sector

  • Alumni lectures

  • Company visits and presentations (Capstone Cases)

  • Master Career Orientation Day via De Leidsche Flesch

  • Science Career Event

  • Master's Open day (Leiden University)

  • Workshops and Career Colleges Science Career Service

Science Career Service

Science Career Service, one of the utilities of the Science faculty, offers information and advice on study (re)orientation, career planning and personal professional profile as well as preparation for the job market, such as job applications. Facilities provided to students include online information, walk-in consultations, workshops and individual counselling sessions. In addition, Science Career Service offers expertise and support to programmes that want to strengthen the connection between their curriculum and the job market. This can vary from providing specific guest lectures/workshops to advising on integrating career orientation programmes into the curriculum.

LU Career Zone

The Leiden University Career Zone is the website for students and alumni of Leiden University to support their (study) career planning. You will find advice, information, video recordings of webinars and tools such as professional tests to get an idea of your personal profile. You can also explore positions and sectors, you will find tips about CV, job application, LinkedIn and there is a vacancy platform that you can make use of.


Leiden University likes to prepare students and young alumni well for the job market. For this we use the knowledge and experience of Leiden alumni. To bring students and young alumni with questions about their careers into contact with experienced alumni, Leiden University has established the Mentor Network. Students and young alumni can register for free.


Do you have questions about your (study) career choices and has the above information not been able to help you further? Please contact your study advisor via