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Biomedische Wetenschappen

De bacheloropleiding Biomedische Wetenschappen geeft inzicht in het gezonde en zieke menselijk lichaam en in de methoden en technieken van biomedisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Het betreft een programma van drie jaar (180 studiepunten).

Informatie over de vakken in het bachelorprogramma (jaar 1, 2 en 3) vind je op de onderstaande tabbladen.

First year

The first year of the Biomedical Sciences programme is taught entirely in Dutch. Please refer to the Dutch pages of this studyguide for more information.

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Start.BW 2
Humane biologie 6
Biomoleculen 7
Moleculaire biologie 6
Metabolisme I 5
Metabolisme II 6
Biomedisch onderzoek in de geneeskunde (LWK) 1
Methoden en technieken van wetenschappelijk onderzoek 4
Cellulaire communicatie 6
Medische Genetica 8
Pathogeen - gastheerinteracties I 3
Lijnonderwijs Communication in Science-1 (CiS-1) 5
Biomedical Academic Scientific Training-1 (BAST-1) 1

Second year

The bachelor’s programme in Biomedical Sciences is a Dutch taught programme with the exception of the first semester of the second year, during which English is the medium of instruction. For more information on the English taught modules please check course descriptions below. It concerns the first modules from Immunology till Physiology, Advanced Concepts, and the additional Communication in Sciences module which is taught longitudinally, fully integrated with the biomedical courses.

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Immunology (BS) 8
Pathogen-Host Interactions part 2 3
Infection and Immunity in Practice 3
Physiology, Basic Concepts 8
Physiology, Advanced Concepts (Provisional Program) 3
Design and Analysis of Biomedical Studies 6
Introduction in the Neurosciences 6
Human Pathology 9
Hormones and the Nervous System 10
Communication in Science-2 (CiS-2) 3
Biomedical Academic Scientific Training-2 (BAST-2) 1

Modules for exchange students only

Communication in Science (CiS) is a module integrated with other modules throughout the year. For international students, who only spend the autumn semester in Leiden, we offer an abbreviated CiS-module (below).

Communication in Science for Exchange Students 1

Third year

The bachelor’s programme in Biomedical Sciences is a Dutch taught programme, with the exception of the first semester of the second year. For more information on third year’s courses please refer to the Dutch pages of this e-guide.

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2


Literature Review Biomedical Sciences 4
Extension Student Research Project 3
IFMSA International Student Research Project 8

Verplichte blokken en lijnen

Radiation Protection 1
Choose 1
Theories of Science 6
Molecular Biology and Oncology 11
Biomedical Academic Scientific Training-3 (BAST-3) 1
Communication in Science-3 (CiS-3) 4
Student Research Project 21