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  • Programmeermethoden gehaald;

  • Programmeertechnieken gedaan;

  • Databases gedaan.


IIn recent years, we have seen many examples of high-profile attacks against computer systems. For example, the Heartbleed vulnerability potentially exposed passwords of millions of people around the globe because of a simple programming error. The Wannacry ransomware managed to hold ransom the data of hundreds of thousands due to a small mistake in the Windows file sharing code. In case of Stuxnet, government-employed hackers managed to break into Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities and damage nuclear centrifuges by changing their control software. These examples show how much impact security holes in computer systems can have. The main aim of the security course is to teach students how such attacks can be performed and how they can be prevented.

In the Security course students are given a broad overview of the field of computer security. Major topics include application security, web security, and secure programming. These parts of the course allow students to understand why the computer systems we use every day remain vulnerable despite growing attention to computer security, and what can be done about this. The course follows a hands-on approach in which the students themselves become hackers. Students will be performing end-to-end attacks in a contained environment in order to understand how various attacks work and what can be done to prevent them.

In addition, the course offers an introduction to a number of other important topics in computer security: malware, cryptography, data security, legal and ethical issues. It also includes a guest lecture to show students what a career in computer security is like.


  • Introduce students to themes in information and computer security

  • Introduce students to organizational security

  • Discuss societal issues on security and privacy


Het meest recente rooster is te vinden op de Studenten-website:


  • Lectures

  • Seminars


  • 3 practicumopdrachten beoordeeld met cijfer (elk 1-10)

  • Voor elke opdracht moet tenminste een 4,0 gehaald worden om te kunnen slagen

  • Schriftelijk tentamen beoordeeld met cijfer (1-10)

  • Voor het tentamen moet tenminste een 5,0 gehaald worden om te kunnen slagen

  • Het eindcijfer is 60% gemiddelde van de practicumopdrachten en 40% tentamen

  • Het eindcijfer moet tenminste 5,5 zijn om te kunnen slagen


Aanmelden via Usis: Selfservice > Studentencentrum > Inschrijven
Activiteitencodes te vinden via de studentenwebsite onder de tab 'Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen'.


Onderwijscoördinator Informatica, Riet Derogee.