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  • Programmeermethoden gehaald

  • programmeertechnieken gedaan

  • databases gedaan.


In the Security course students are given a broad overview of the fields of cryptography and computer security. The first part of the course discusses the fundamentals of cryptography: how does one securely transmit data from one to another? How do we know this is secure? Can we guarantee the data cannot be read by a third-party? Subsequently, we discuss how these fundamentals are used today in protocols such as HTTPS, SSH, WPA2 networks and Kerberos. Besides defeating security protocols, time is also spent on insecure software and software vulnerabilities. By understanding these vulnerabilities, students are taught how to write secure code.
As the volume of data that is collected about humans grows at a tremendous phase, how is the privacy preserved? Models for access control to sensitive data are discussed. For example, in a hospital, who may access patient data? Can a nurse access all data about a patient, or only part of it? How is patient data properly anonymized such that it can be used in medical studies?
In the final part of the course societal issues are discussed. This includes social engineering attacks (such as phishing), attacker models and ethical issues such as how to act when one has found a vulnerability. We’ll use everything that we have learned during the course to understand real-world examples of attacks and security vulnerabilities.


  • Introduce students to themes in information and computer security

  • Introduce students to organizational security

  • discuss societal issues on security and privacy


  • college

  • werkgroep


  • 4 practicumopdrachten beoordeeld met onvoldoende(0), voldoende (1), goed (2) (drietal)

  • meer dan één 0: onvoldoende —> herkansen

  • schriftelijk tentamen: 8 punten (individueel)

  • eindcijfer: (tentamen + gem. practicum) / 10


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Voor studenten die niet staan ingeschreven voor de bachelor Informatica is er een beperkte capaciteit. Neem contact op met de studieadviseur.


Onderwijscoördinator Informatica, Riet Derogee