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The Political Economy of Russia and Eurasia


Admission requirements

BA degree


The picture of the economies of the Eurasian (post-Soviet) region is diverse: often high levels of corruption, strong dependence on natural resources, and a lack of reform, but also high growth rates and increasing integration into the world economy. While the economies of the region have developed very differently, a joint Soviet legacy is still visible in many places. This course looks at the current state of the economies of the region from a comparative perspective, as well as at economic processes in recent decades across the region. Considering the size and significance of the Russian economy, the course will study the Russian case intensively. We will also, however, engage with the economies of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova. Among the issues that we will cover are the relationship between the economy and politics, corruption, post-communist economic reform, the impact of natural resources, regional economic integration, and external economic relations (including with the European Union and China).

Course objectives

Students gain greater insight into the nature of the political economies of the post-Soviet states through weekly assignments and class discussion. Students develop research skills by conducting independent research, presenting their research, and commenting on the research of their peers.



Method of Instruction

See below

Assessment method

Research paper (40%): written assignments (40%); participation (20%)



Reading list

Articles, book chapters and online material will be provided on blackboard


Via uSis

Contact information

Dr. M. Bader