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Modern/Contemporary Studies: Monuments and cultural memory


Admission requirements

A BA in Art History and/or Literature


The monument is a central category in architectural thought, not only with regard to issues of heritage or architectural history, but also the more general question of how (if at all) buildings can be used in strategies of cultural (collective) memory. This course aims to confront the notions of monument and cultural memory, in order to provide insight into the questions and methodologies of the fields of architectural history and cultural memory studies, as well as into the different possible ways that artifacts in different media can be engaged with memory.
The course sets out with a series of case-studies that will examine artifacts as monuments or/and as agents of cultural memory. These case-studies introduce students to both approaches and their possible convergences and conflicts. In a second stage students will be required to develop a case study of their own.

Course objectives

Students will:

  • acquire insight into the history and theory of the notion of the monument in architecture, as well as in into the theory and notion of cultural memory

  • be able to analyse and understand various scholarly positions and their consequences

  • position oneself in relation to one of these

  • develop skills in oral discussion

  • realize those objectives in the presentation of a scholarly paper


See the website of Literary Studies

Mode of instruction


Assessment method

Oral presentation in a group (30%)
Written paper of 5000 words, excl. notes and references (70%)



Reading list

A Companion to Cultural Memory Studies, Berlin (De Gruyter) 2010. Ed. Erll, Astrid / Nünning, Ansgar

Further reading will be announced on Blackboard.


Via uSis

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

Not applicable


A. Visser
M. Delbeke