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Student Research Project


Admission requirements

All exams of the first and second year BW have to be passed.


Depends on the chosen subject.

Course objectives

During the traineeship, students become acquainted with their future occupation by participating in scientific research. They conduct research on an individual basis to find answers to research questions and gain insight into their field of study. Moreover, the students learn how new scientific insights enable the exploration of new methods and how problems can be solved. Furthermore, they learn to participate in a research team and to engage in departmental and laboratory consultations on the progress of the research project.

Mode of instruction

Supervised research project/traineeship and writing report as well as oral presentation thereof.

Assessment method

The Student Research Project will be assessed by the supervisor and an appointed member of the Bachelor Bw internship committee using the on-line forms that are available via KL-APP. ‘onderwijs-website’


To find a place where they can do their traineeship, students can consult the “stageklapper” which is available on blackboard and the section Find Ba internship. Together with their traineeship supervisor they have to fill in the “stage aanvraagformulier” which is available on KL-APP. (Information can be found on Blackboard in the BW 3rd year course “Choose” and Bw Bachelor jaar 3- Stage (student research project)).


The Student Research Project is subject to the Procedures Training Periods/Research Projects (stageregeling). These regulations require detailed written agreements between supervisor and student that specify the conditions for the Research Project. This agreement is part of the “stage aanvraag formulier) and should be put forward to the examination board via KL-APP at least four weeks before the start of the project.
More information about the Research Project can be found on LUMC’s Onderwijswebsite Regels en Procedures

or in the “Choose” course, section “Info BW3 stage” on Blackboard.