Admission requirements
This course is only open to students of the LDE Master on the Governance of Migration and Diversity (GMD) with the exception of students following the LL.M. GMD legal track.
This course will provide students with an introduction into the legal dimension of migration and diversity governance. This includes global migration law (including the Global Compact on Migration), international and European human rights law, as well as a specific focus on EU migration, asylum and non-discrimination law (including Free Movement, Schengen and Dublin). Furthermore, the course devotes attention to diversity law, in particular in the area of human rights and minority protection.
Course objectives
At the end of the course students will have knowledge of the most important legal principles and structures and understand the relevance of these for the governance of migration and diversity. Furthermore, students will be challenged to analyse concrete governance dilemmas by considering their legal dimension.
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
Identify the most important legal principles and structures in global and European migration law;
Identify the most important legal principles and structures in human rights law and minorities protection;
Understand the relevance and implications of these legal principles and structures for the governance of migration;
Apply legal principles and structures to concrete governance dilemmas.
The timetable of this course can be found in uSis.
Mode of instruction
Number of (2 hour) lectures: 5
Names of lecturers: tbd.
Required preparation by students: tbd
Number of (2 hour) seminars: 5
Names of lecturers: tbd.
Required preparation by students: tbd
The lectures in this course will be interactive and require from the students that they prepare the reading prescribed in the course book, prepare written answers to the questions asked and take an active role during class.
Assessment method
Examination form(s)
Written exam (100%).
Course assignments during the course (pass/fail)
Students will need to pass both the written exam and the essay in order to pass for the course. During the course students might be asked to hand in assignments in preparation of the seminars. These assignments will have to be handed in to receive a pass grade for the course.
Submission procedures
Areas to be tested within the exam
The examination syllabus consists of the required reading (literature) for the course, the course information guide and the subjects taught in the lectures and all other instructions which are part of the course.
Reading list
Obligatory course materials
Course materials will be available online or in the Brightspace environment (links in course reader)
Students have to register for courses and exams through uSis.
Contact information
Coordinator: Moritz Jesse
Work address: Steenschuur 25, Leiden (KOG Building)
Institute: Public Law
Department: European Law
Room number secretary: Mevr. P.S.J. van der Helm
Opening hours: 9:00-17:00
Telephone number secretary: +31 (0)71-527 3596
This course is taught within the framework of the LDE Master Programme on Governance of Migration and Diversity. It can only be attended by students of the Public Policy Track of the GMD Master Programme. The course falls under the responsibility of the Erasmus University Board of Examinations.