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Individual Project (FGW)


Admission Requirements



The MA Linguistics offers students the possibility to exchange one elective for an individual project. With an individual project, depending on the interest of the student, a student can get hands-on experience working on a linguistics project together with a researcher from LUCL. This project can consist of doing an experiment in one of the LUCL labs, collecting and analyzing data, building a database, working with "big data", or doing fieldwork. Students are encouraged to put their linguistic knowledge into practice, and to contribute their own ideas to the project. Individual projects are made available by LUCL researchers and must be approved by the exam committee.
An external internship at an organization/institution in the field of linguistics is possible too. This is organized through the Leiden University Career Service.

Course objectives

A student learns:

  • To understand how his/her linguistic knowledge can be applied in projects

  • New ways to put linguistic knowledge into practice

  • What is involved in real life applications of linguistic knowledge

  • To cooperate with a professional and/or other student

  • Practical skills to bring a project to a fruitful end

  • To present the final results of the project

Mode of instruction

Individual meetings with the project leader

Assessment method

Project assessment: 50%
Evaluation by project supervisor: 50%

Reading List



Contact your coordinator of Studies if you want to follow this course.


For substantive questions, contact your coordinator of Studies

For questions regarding enrollment please contact the Education Administration Office Reuvensplaats E-mail address Education Administration Office Reuvensplaats:

For questions regarding your studyprogress contact the Coordinator of Studies
