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Student assistantship bachelor research assignment


Admission requirements

Before the start of the bachelor's research assignment, the MSc student has actively been working for at least 2-3 months as an MSc student within the division with an internal supervisor (often a PhD student) and has a good theoretical background in the research field in which he/she will supervise the BSc student(s).

Prior to the bachelor research assignments (if not yet obtained) the MSc student will follow the educational course 'Didactic skills' at ICLON. The certificate to be obtained serves as proof of participation in the course, a copy of which must be submitted to the final report of the elective.


During the MSc BPS it is allowed to fill in a maximum of 5 ECTS of the individual MSc program with an elective course aimed at supervising BSc BFW students during practicals or research assignments. Below the elective course student assistantship bachelor research assignment is described. If a MSc BPS student has already supervised a second or third year practical course for ECTS credits, the student is no longer allowed to supervise BSc students for ECTS credits using this elective course.

The MSc student who accompanies BSc students during his/her own MSc RP1/RP2 may extend this RP1/RP2 by a maximum of 3.5 weeks.

When carrying out this assignment, the student is supervised by a PhD student or postdoc within the division. These supervisors may be supported by a BPS MSc student, as part of the optional course described below.

More specifically, the MSc student is responsible for division-specific activities related to:

*Moderating (online) meetings with the BSc students and providing feedback based on the active participation and/or progress of the BSc student.
*Teaching (laboratory) techniques necessary for the research (proposal).
*Guidance in critically evaluating and interpreting obtained/proposed data/results.
*Teaching image analysis and data analysis using department-specific software and scripts.
*Guidance of students with regard to literature searches, drawing up a research proposal, scientific writing, figure representation and presentation.
*Encouraging students to participate actively during the BSc research assignment by asking questions and encouraging discussion about the results achieved.
*Advising the final examiner on the written report(s) and presentation(s) of the BSc student(s).

Course objectives

After this MSc elective course the MSc student:

  • Is able to activate BSc students during their learning process.

  • Is able to provide feedback on the scientific writing and communication of the BSc student.

  • Has adequate knowledge of the research field, and can apply this knowledge in his or her own MSc research project.


The bachelor research assignments start in April and last ten weeks. The MSc student writes a theoretical summary of the scientific framework within which the research assignment will take place before the start of the Bachelor's research assignment.

Mode of instruction

After completing the ICLON course, students are additionally trained for the didactical aspects of this course. Training on the content and techniques of the BOO projects will be provided by the division. Students will read tutorials, online information and tutor BSc students, and write a final reflection report.

Assessment method

The MSc student will be assessed by the examiner with a grade between 1 and 10. For the course, 5 ECTS will be given (Level 500). This equals 140 hours of study load.
The assessment is based on:

  • Obtaining an ICLON certificate for a didactic skills training.

  • The attitude and commitment during the research assignment period.

  • Practical and theoretical guidance of bachelor students during the research

  • The way of providing feedback on presentations/reports from students.

  • The summary of the theoretical part.

  • The final report.

For the assessment, the rubric belonging to the MSc elective course student assistantship bachelor research assignment will be used.

Reading list

Will be announced once applied.


Students will be approached by the division coordinators for this course. However, if you are interested, you can also approach your division coordinator.

If students have gotten permission to do this course, the course coordinators will (if necessary) enroll them in the ICLON-course. Students can thereafter register in uSis.

Application via uSis for both the course and exam is mandatory. Registration for the course closes 14 days before the start of the course or earlier when the maximum number of students is reached. Registration for the exam closes 7 days before the exam date or earlier when the maximum number of students is reached.


Contact your division coordinator or Marjo de Graauw via


This information is without prejudice. Alterations can be made for next year.