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Inferential Statistics for the Language Sciences


Admission requirements

Successful completion of Introduction to Methods and Statistics is assumed. This course is only available for BA linguistics students.


In this course students will get familiar with basic concepts in inferential statistics necessary to conduct research in (experimental) linguistics such as determining statistical power, bootstrapping, the chi-square test and other non-parametric tests, advanced correlation, linear regression, logistic regression, analysis of variance, and multilevel regression.
Students will acquire practical data analysis skills through several assignments that are imbedded in experimental linguistics research.
The course consists of obligatory lectures and workgroups.

Course objectives

Learning goal 1: student is able to describe core inferential statistics techniques in the language sciences
Learning goal 2: student is able to use SPSS software for core inferential statistics techniques in the language sciences


Visit MyTimetable.

Mode of instruction

Weekly lectures + workgroups

Assessment method

  1. Take home exam (learning goal 1);
  2. Assignments (learning goal 2)

Student are allowed to miss a maximum of 1 lecture and 1 practical. Handing in at least 9 out of 10 assignments of sufficient quality is obligatory in order to be eligible to participate in the exam.


In order to pass:

  1. Take home exam must be sufficient
  2. 9/10 assignments need to be sufficient (submitted in time and of sufficient quality).

The final mark is based on the take home exam.


See above


The exam can be resited, the assignments cannot be resited (the student will be asked to re-submit an assignment when it is of insufficient quality).

Inspection and feedback

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

Reading list

Leary, M.L. (2014). Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods (6th international edition). Pearson: Boston.
Field, A. (2017). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (5th edition). Sage: London.


Enrolment through uSis is mandatory.
General information about uSis is available on this website

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

not applicable


For questions related to the content of the course, please contact the lecturer, you can find their contact information by clicking on their name in the sidebar.

For questions regarding enrollment please contact the Education Administration Office Reuvensplaats
E-mail address Education Administration Office Reuvensplaats:

For questions regarding your studyprogress contact the Coordinator of Studies


not applicable